MC (X and Y): Good morning to one and all.

X: I am (Name, Yr, Dept)

Y: And I am (Name, Yr, Dept). As we begin the event of today, the association inauguration of
(Name of the department) department (Name of the association), let us invoke God’s presence with a song.

X: I now request all the dignitaries to light the lamp and brighten the occasion.

Y: Thank you. I would like to request (Name of the HOD), our very own approachable and
optimistic HOD of XYZ Department to deliver the welcome address.

Welcome Address:

Logic will take you from A to B. But imagination will take you everywhere. It’s a proud moment for us to welcome you all to the inauguration of (Name of the association), association of XYZ department for the eighth consecutive year. It’s my honor to welcome the chief guest of the day (Name, Designation, Organization of the Chief Guest). Thank you sir/mam, for taking time out of your busy schedule and gracing this occasion with your presence. I also take pleasure in welcoming our Principal, (Name of the Principal) who has been an inspiration to us and always guided us with his valuable advice. I welcome you Sir. I also extend my welcome to our young and energetic Vice Principal, (Name of the Vice Principal) who is an enthusiastic and inspirational personality to the students and our Advisor, (Name of the Advisor) who has been a mentor and a motivator.

A good education can change anyone. A good teacher can change everything. I would like to welcome our very own approachable and optimistic Dean (Name of the Dean), and all our respected staff members, the HODs of various departments and staffs. If you don’t go after what you want, you will never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you are always in the same place. Last but not the least, I welcome all my friends and appreciate your support and dedication to make this event a reality. Welcome one and all.

X: Thank you Sir/Mam. I request our Principal (Name of the Principal), who has always guided our
department with positive feedbacks and encouraged us towards innovation to address the

(Presidential Address- Principal)

Y: Thank you Sir. I now call upon (Name of the Vice Principal), our young and energetic Vice
Principal to felicitate the event.

(Felicitation-  Vice Principal)

X: I call upon our student secretary (Name, Yr and Dept) to introduce the chief guest. 

Chief Guest Introduction: 
I take immense pleasure in introducing the Chief Guest of this event (Name of the Chief Guest). He/She is an inspiring personality with many feathers in his/her cap. (Few lines about the chief guest from their profile).

Y: Now I would like to request our Principal, Vice Principal, Dean and HOD to honor the Chief Guest on behalf of our Institution and our Department.
(Honoring the Chief Guest with a momento)

X: I now request our chief guest (Name of the Chief Guest) to address the gathering.

(Chief Guest Speech)

Y: Thank you sir for the inspiring and informative message. Now I call upon the joint student treasurer, (Name, Yr and Dept) to conclude the event with a vote of thanks.

Vote of Thanks: 
As we come to the close of this event, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to our Chief Guest, (Name of the Chief Guest) for gracing the event with his/her presence. I would also like to thank our chairman (Name of the Chairman), our respected principal (Name of the Principal), Vice Principal (Name of the Vice Principal),  Advisor Mr./Ms.(Name of the Advisor), Dean (Name of the Dean) for their support, our dear HOD (Name of the HoD) for his/her guidance and all the staff members for their advice and student members of XYZ department for all their efforts and dedication in making this event a successful one. Thank you one and all.

Y: Now let us all stand up for our National Anthem.


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