Coimbatore has more than 5 FM Radio channels which are operational. FM Radio Stations in Coimbatore play music in Tamil and English. Popular FM stations in Coimbatore include Suryan FM and Hello FM. Radio City plays a mix of Tamil and Hindi music in Coimbatore. Great chunk of radio listenership in Coimbatore happens during the drive time. However in home listening is also significant and cannot be ruled out while planning to advertise in FM stations of Coimbatore. Coimbatore has a well developed public transport system with high travel time. FM listening in Coimbatore also happens through FM enabled mobile phones. Coimbatore FM Radio listeners are a mix of students being one of the top educational hubs in Tamilnadu and adults. Adults in Coimbatore come both from local population and IT professionals who have migrated to Coimbatore from other parts of the city. Inclusion of a Hindi FM Radio channel is an acknowledgement of that fact. Advertisers reaching out to radi...