Letter to my students

Being your professor has given me an ocean of memories. And along with teaching you things, I learnt a lot too. As we part, there are certain things I want you to keep in mind. Its great to think about how you will be and the places you will go. I have many wishes for you. I wish that you start each day with a grateful heart and enjoy the little things in life. I wish that you are unapologetically you. There is nothing rare or beautiful than a person comfortable in his/her own skin. I wish you explore travel and take chances. Life has so much to offer. In the end, you will only regret the chances you didn’t take and the things you didn’t do. I wish that you never worry about failing. Challenges are what makes life interesting. If its good, its great. If its bad, then it will be a good learning experience. I wish that you love the life you live. There is no greater joy than being happy and if you love life, life will love you back. I wish you don’t let life happen to you. That’s boring. Go out and make your life happen. I wish you test boundaries, stand apart, forgive quickly, laugh everyday, sing out loud, dance like no one is watching and live passionately.

If you don’t like something, change it. When you eat, appreciate every last bite. Open your mind, arms and hearts to new things and people. You can’t change where you came from, but you can change where you go from here. It’s a terrible thing in life to wait until you’re ready. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now. In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.

Never use the sharpness of your tongue on your parents. Remember they taught you to speak. They are the reason why you are who you are. Relationships in the beginning, may be like an addiction. It is important that you think without being dazed. Have a relationship that is mature enough that you can sit down and share your ideas, work on your problems and build each other up. Don’t ignore your friends for anyone. Never give up on your financial independence. Don’t try to control or change your partner. Never raise your voice or your hand on anyone. Don’t expect your partner to meet all your needs. Don’t let your loyalty become slavery. Know when to let go. Think smart and live simple.

Life is not always rainbows and butterflies. Sometimes, you will have to compromise. It is better to bend a little than to break. Always follow the rules. There is a reason why they are there. Never compare your life to that of anyone else. Everyone is fighting their own war. Remember, Smile is infectious. So are good deeds and so is a bad mood. Choose what you want to spread. If you can’t be open about a relationship, you should not be in it. If you can’t speak the words in the presence of a person, you shouldn’t be speaking it in their absence. When you are in doubt or confusion, turn to an elder for advice. Ego will not help you get anywhere.

Parents, food, house, clothes, health, education, career, friends, partner… all these are blessings. Be grateful for them. Think twice before complaining. There are people who would even kill to have what you have. Never play with feelings. Be quick to say please, sorry and thank you. Life is a gift. Live it and love it.

Wishing you all the good things life can offer,

With loads of love and regards,

Your professor, tutor, mentor and friend



  1. That is one of the most practical and solid message ever! Thanx a ton!


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